In conversation with Mark Warner guests who have travelled with us for many years you will stumble upon misty eyed tales of misspent summer holidays at one of Mark Warner’s bastions of “Adult Only” holidays – Abamar, Porticcio and Palm Beach amongst others. Here, single adults and groups of friends would gather for 2 or 3 weeks a season for watersports, sun worshipping and partying. The days were short, the nights were long and the stories are now legendary.
In recent years economic realities have made it increasingly difficult for MW to continue to offer Adult only holidays in the summer. These weeks worked best on off-peak dates with very low single occupancy charges for rooms. Unfortunately whole hotels who can still afford to operate on this basis are now few and far between and no longer of the quality standard that MW expects for its guests.
To try and compensate for the loss of these much loved holidays we introduced our first Club Mark Warner weeks last year to give our adult guest experience a boost. They were an instant hit and so we’ve rolled the idea into summer 2010.
If you’re looking for a fun adult-friendly holiday then a Club Mark Warner week is a social diary full of activities and reasons for adults to get together. The Club organiser will reserve group tables for dinner, put together quiz nights or gather everyone for a nightclub trip into town. It’s all very low key but great fun and of course in addition to all the watersports, tennis and other activities available during the day.
We can’t deny it … there will undoubtedly be families staying at the hotel at the same time as a Club Mark Warner week. But what we can guarantee is that once you’ve arrived you’ll barely notice the kids are around. They’ve got their own beach, a fantastic daily activity programme and evening childcare to ensure adult-only socialising in the bars and restaurants at night.
The spirit of Palm Beach lives on in Lakitira and San Agostino this summer.